Richardson Heights PTA
Board Roles & Responsibilities
All Board members, executive and standing chairs, are expected to attend the RHE PTA Board meeting each month. It is held at 6pm on the first Tuesday of every month.
Executive Board Members
President - The officer in charge, who will stay up-to-date on legislation as it affects Heights Elementary, and report updates and changes to Heights Elementary parents and community.
Aide - The officer in charge, who works with the president as needed and handles certain duties like: arrange for babysitting at board meetings, recognizes board birthdays, and helps communicate with committees as needed or dictated by the president. Will coordinate the Sneak Peek event before school begins in August.
Programs - The officer in charge, who along with a committee, will coordinate or delegate as needed, the planning of programs. Examples include the Back to School Picnic in September, Movie Night in October, Family Fitness Night in November, Donuts with Dudes in the Fall, Chili Cook-off in January, or any other programs as approved by the board.
Membership - The officer in charge, who along with a committee, will recruit members through a coordinated membership drive and apply for membership awards with the state.
Fundraising Fall - The officer in charge, along with a committee, who will coordinate the Community Campaign, or Fall Fundraiser. This officer will also schedule and advertise a minimum of 2 Spirit Nights or spirit night equivalent.
Fundraising Spring- The officer in charge, who along with a committee, will coordinate the Spring Fundraiser. This officer will also schedule and advertise a minimum of 2 Spirit Nights or spirit night equivalent.
Communications - The officer in charge, along with a committee, who will prepare a regular e- newsletter, promote Heights PTA events through local media and social media, and maintain the bulletin board in the school foyer.
Standing Committee Chairs
Arts in Education - along with a committee, will coordinate Reflections in the Fall and Go Van Gogh in the Spring, and attend training in the Fall and Winter.
Bilingual - along with a committee, will help to translate any communications from the PTA into Spanish, and will communicate with Spanish-speaking parents and volunteers on behalf of various PTA committees, as needed.
Carnival* - along with a committee, will coordinate the Carnival in the Spring.
Clothes Closet - along with a committee, will collect and deliver donations for the RISD Clothes Closet, as well as sign up to volunteer at the Clothes Closet twice a month as available.
Community - along with a committee, will coordinate PTA support and volunteers within the feeder neighborhoods, and encourage feeder neighborhoods to include PTA information in their newsletter. Person will also plan and advertise the Wee Wildcats program during the school year, and the annual Kindergarten/1st Grade pool party held during the Summer.
Council Delegate(s) - along with a committee, will attend the monthly RISD Council of PTAs meeting, assist in coordinating the school’s participation in Council Play for K-2 and Symphony for 5th grade, and schedule volunteers for our school’s participation in the RISD Council of PTAs Used Book Fair. This chair will also promote the council or district parent program being offered in the district, will stay up to date on legislation as it affects Heights Elementary and RISD, and report updates and changes to Heights Elementary parents and community.
Dad’s Club- along with a committee, will coordinate fathers and other positive male role models from our student community to assist with the Watch Dogs program and school events during the year as needed. Will coordinate “Dads at the Door” to assist with traffic flow during morning drop off by helping open car doors. Will plan and execute Muffins with Moms in the Fall.
Environmental/Beautification - along with a committee, will promote participation in environmental awareness days (such as America Recycles Day, Earth Day, Arbor Day, etc.), will educate Heights Elementary about environmental issues, and will support the Healthy Lifestyles Chair with staging national Walk or Bike to School Day. Will maintain the plants on the front porch and help keep the schoolyard clean.
Gardens – along with a committee, will maintain the plants in the courtyard gardens and encourage teacher and classroom participation in the garden. The chair, along with a committee, will also coordinate work days in the garden for the community to help maintain the grounds.
Hospitality- Along with a committee, will help the President and Program chair with events. Plan and coordinate a back to school coffee for parents. Set up snacks for PTA board meetings. Help coordinate the PTA Board holiday party and end of year party with the President. Host the Senior Breakfast in May. Coordinate the stocking of the teacher lounge and coffee bars on a continuous basis throughout the school year.
Healthy Lifestyles - along with a committee, will work with the school counselor to coordinate Red Ribbon Week, with the school nurse coordinate volunteers for hearing/vision screenings, and with the P.E. teacher, coordinate snacks and volunteers for Jump Rope for Heart and Field Day. Will also organize national Walk or Bike to School day with the support of a committee and the Environmental/Beautification Chair, and will recognize School Counselor Day and School Nurse Day.
Marquee - will coordinate the regular updating of the marquee, including birthday recognitions. Will send communications home with students about birthday recognition at the beginning and middle of the year.
Merchandise/Wagon - along with a committee, will coordinate the design and purchase of any T-shirts and spirit wear to be sold throughout the year, as well as, order and sell merchandise on the Wildcat Wagon. Coordinate with the Programs and Hospitality Chair whether the Wildcat Wagon will be present during events.
Multicultural - along with a committee, will work with the school counselor to coordinate the Patriot Day ceremony, as well as, help promote character development through various means. Examples include Veteran’s Day Wall of Honor in September, recognition of National Hispanic Heritage Month in early October, recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Month in November, and recognition of African American History Month in February. This chair, along with a committee including the Art and Music teachers, will plan and execute Multicultural Night.
Reading/Library - along with a committee, will work with the librarian to coordinate volunteers for the Storytime program in grades pre-K to 2nd grade and the Library Book Fair. Will also help or form a committee to help the librarian shelve books, and will recognize School Librarian Day.
Room Parent - along with a committee, will work to cover each homeroom with parent(s) to coordinate two class parties (usually in December and February), and work with Teacher and Staff Appreciation chair to coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Will encourage room parents to recognize teacher birthdays. The chair will also work with the website chair to review and update the Staff & Teacher Favorite Things List on the website.
SAGE - along with a committee, will advocate for the gifted, learning disabled, dyslexic, etc. through different means. Will also keep PTA informed about meetings and news about this topic.
School Supply - along with a committee, will coordinate creating school supply lists and communicating with a company to do school supply sales. Will coordinate the advertising and purchasing of school supply packs for the upcoming year.
School Enrichment Programs - along with a committee, will coordinate with educational and/ or cultural programs that will enrich the experience of the student during the school day. This could be programs like anti-bullying, nature exhibits, performances by a professional group, science programs, reading to therapy dogs, etc.
Sixth Grade Honors - along with a committee, will coordinate all events to honor outgoing sixth graders, including the float for RHS homecoming, 6th-grade pennants, and the end of the year reception and party for sixth graders. Will also work with the Hospitality chair to coordinate the Senior Breakfast in May.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation - along with a committee, will work with Hospitality Chair and Volunteer Coordinator to create a list of parents willing to assist with baking/serving. Recognize teacher and staff birthdays and appreciation days. Plan and host various staff luncheons; for example: back to school, holiday, and end of year. Coordinate staff retirement receptions. Will provide snacks for teachers during STAAR testing and faculty meetings. Work with Room Parent Chair to execute Teacher Appreciation Week.
Volunteer Appreciation - along with a committee, will collect volunteer hours served for RHE and chair the Awards & Recognition committee in the spring, to award up to two life members, two golden apple awards, and any other recognitions as needed.
Website - along with a committee, will maintain the PTA website, relying on committee chairs
for information updates and event photos.
Yearbook - along with a committee, will coordinate the planning, making, and selling of the
yearbook. Additionally, will take photographs of school and PTA events.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13